Resource Documents and FAQ’s
- USW Casual Info Sheet (May 2024)
- Student Casuals
- USW Casual orientation
- USW CA Dental Form (March 10 2022)
- Local 1998 Casual Dental Benefit Project (New)
Contract FAQs:
- Contract FAQs and RESOURCES (February 2024)
- Know Your Collective Agreement
- Detoxify Your Workplace Presentation
Organizational Change and Lay-off:
- Information and Assistance for members facing Organizational Change and Layoff (June 2024)
- Org change flow chart
- Grant-funded lay-off flow chart
- New Org Change Powerpoint (October 2020)
Job Evaluation
University of St. Michael’s College
- University of St. Michael’s College
- Ministry of Labour
- Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations
- Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Guide to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHIMIS)
St. Michael’s College, Job Evaluation:
University of Toronto
- Find your Joint Health and Safety Committee in class and online health and safety courses are offered by the University.
- U of T accident / incident report
- Find out where asbestos is located on campus
- University of Toronto Health and Safety Policy
Victoria University
Worker’s Safety and Insurance Board
- WSIB Form 8, “Health Professional’s Report.” You will be provided a copy for yourself and a copy to provide to Health and Well-Being.
- WSIB Form 6 “Worker’s report of Injury/disease” online and submit. Also, provide a copy to Health and Well-Being.
- Online reporting
- Fillable PDF (save onto your computer)
- Functional Abilities Form
Other safety resources
- In a mental health crisis? There is help! Call 988
- Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers
- Worker’s Health and Safety Centre
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Institute for Worker’s Health
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Canadian Biosafety Standard
- Public Health Agency of Canada
Women Of Steel (WoS)’s articles on Burn Out/Stress/Self-Care
- Burnout, anxiety, stress and depression
- Living with Burnout — Self-care
- How burnout could affect you at work?
- When self-care isn’t working, what’s the next step?
Health and Safety apps
- OHCOW PainPoint App
- OHCOW Workplace Stress App
- OHCOW Air Assess App
- OHCOW Humidex-Based Heat Stress Calculator
Bullying and Harassment:
*These resources are provided for information. We strongly recommend that members contact the union for help and support prior to submitting a complaint. Members have a right to union representation throughout this process.