Divestment Letters to U of T and UPP

At Local 1998’s July general membership meeting (GMM), members of the Local debated and voted on two motions that were put forward from the floor of the June GMM. Both motions were passed by a majority vote.

One of the motions calls on the University of Toronto to disclose all its investments, divest from all investments that contribute to the State of Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza and the illegal settlement of Palestine, and terminate its partnerships with academic institutions in Israel that operate in illegal settlements in Palestine or that support the assault on Gaza.

The second motion calls on the University Pension Plan (UPP) to implement an immediate screen on any new investments in military industries in general and in companies supplying the Israeli military specifically. The motion also calls on the UPP to announce a rapid timeline for complete divestment from military industries in general and from companies supplying the Israeli military specifically.

To implement the two motions, letters have been sent to U of T President Meric Gertler and to the administrators of the UPP.

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